Java Interface Default Implementations

An interface is often just an implicit definition as every class defines an Interface. An interface just defines the contract of the class by specifying the methods that can be invoked. Java however also has an explicit interface type which until recently adhered to this idea, but since Java 8 an interface can have a ‘default’ implementation. This idea breaks completely with what an interface is supposed to be and fades the line between an interface and an abstract class. So what is still the point of defining an interface and using default implementations?

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Angular: A Java Developer Perspective

As mentioned in the previous blog post, I will continue with my remarks about some Angular 4 design choices, similar to what I did in the previous one. The course I followed was very in-depth about Angular 4, but there may still be things I do not know. I am not an expert in Angular 4, and my real life experience with Angular is very limited. I am aware that this may influence my opinion and cause me to dislike certain choices while better ways to do it exist. I am open to this, and please let me know if you have any comments or advise for me.

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Typescript: A Java Developer Perspective

Recently I followed an online Angular course, giving me an in-depth experience of both TypeScript and Angular 4. This was my first experience with both technologies and they look very promising, but I can’t help to have a couple of remarks about some choices that have been made. In this blog I start with giving my opinion about some of the choices made in TypeScript. In the following blog post I will continue with my remarks about Angular 4.

Because I have only seen TypeScript in combination with Angular 4, I may confuse features by mistaking them to be part of the one or the other. I am by no means an expert in either Angular 4 or TypeScript, so please forgive me when I make mistakes like this. I would also like to hear your experiences and comments.

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